Use this link to generate tables,

  1. Create table in Spreadsheet

  2. Copy and paste into Table Generator

  3. Generate and copy to clipboard

  4. Paste into a Markdown subwindow

2017-18 Officers
President Patsy Grider
1st VP Programs Nancy Hadaway
2nd VP Hostess Kristin Chatila & Mary Hauk
3rd VP Membership Ann Codlin
Secretary Bridget Davis
Treasurer Linda Helsper
Newsletter Hannah Lee Duffy & Sandra Hearnsberger
Bardin Median Chris Phenix
West Garden Carol Hatfield, Carolyn Hammonds, Cory Coons
Door Prize Lorraine Crutchfield
Sunshine Karen Ellen Anderson
Crime Watch Susan Watkins
Progressive Dinner Sue Brown /Diane Poteet
Bows & Garland Shiela Shallcross & Stephanie Wakefield
Summer BBQ -- OPEN --

Markdown Guides

*emphasis* or _emphasis_  (e.g., italics)  

**strong emphasis** or __strong emphasis__ (e.g., boldface)

Some text with `some code` inside,


* An item in a bulleted (unordered) list  

    * A subitem, indented with 4 spaces    

      * Another item in a bulleted list


# First-level heading

## 2nd-level heading

### 3rd-level heading

#### Fourth-level heading


This is a paragraph.   It has two sentences.

This is another paragraph. It also has   

two sentences.

Line return

Line breaks inserted in the text are removed from the final result: the web browser is in charge of breaking lines depending on the available space. 

To force a line break, insert two spaces at the end of the line.


[link text here](  



![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title")  


![Alt text][id]  

[id]: url/to/image  "Optional title attribute"

Horz Lines

Any will produce horiz line  

* * *



- - -



HTML Code Snippets



Add Red Caution

<span style="font:20px Verdana; serif; font-weight:bold; color:#FF0000;">

_Notice: Registration closes July 21 !!_ </span>


<em>Notice: Registration closes July 21 !! </em></span>


Another  Add Color

> Example: (replace left star brackets with the correct left html bracket....) 


<span style="color:red; font:24px arial; ">WGC Meetings cancelled until further notice due to Covid19</span>




<p>Normal text colors 

<h3 span style="color:red">    Red text color1-h3 </span >

<h2 span style="color:green; background-color:yellow"> Green text color-h2 </span >

<h1 span style="color:red">    Red text color-h1 </span >



normal text color


<h3 span style="background-color:yellow">Yellow background color </span>

<h3 span style="background-color:white">white background color </span>


<p> Normal text color different text color normal text color different background color </span>


Border Color

<h3 span style="border:3px blue solid;"color:red"> HTML Colors</h3>



< span style="color:red"> HTML Colors </span> <p>


Code Snippets

Example: Set a width of 500px for all journal images.

.journal-entry-text .body img { width: 500px; height:auto; }


Example: Add images within the footer section of your site.

<img src="/storage/yourimage.jpg" />


Example: Change the style of bullets within lists from disc to square.

Note: other possible list style types you can use: disc; circle; square; decimal; lower-roman; upper-roman; lower-alpha; upper-alpha; none.

.link-group-list li ul li { list-style-type: square; }


Example: Put borders around images using colors and styles of your choice.

Note: You can use dotted, dashed or solid borders and change pixel size and border color to your preference. 

/*Put a border around every image in your site including sidebar images. */

img {border: 5px solid #cccccc;}

/*Put a border around images within the page body content only */

.body img {border: 5px solid #333333;}

/* Put a border around images only on specific pages */

#modulePage1234567 .body img {border: 5px solid #666666;}