Send any Joys and Concerns to Bridget Hunter at msbridgetclay@gmail.com or 817-966-0227.


Zappasodi - Our son David passed peacefully into the arms of his Savior, Jesus Christ, in the early morning hours on July 15th. He fought a long, hard and courageous battle. The memorial was on July 22nd and the link is below if you are interested in watching the service. So many of you attended the memorial, sent food, wrote beautiful notes in cards, and have hugged us and encouraged us throughout this year and recently since his passing. Thank you! We miss him terribly. I am sure we will still be here for the September meeting so I hope to see you all then. In the meantime, if you know someone who wants to move to Wimbledon, our house is for sale!

Memorial for David M Zappasod https://boxcast.tv/view/funeral-of-david-zappasodi-ol9emrvc9fswtyqma3ww

Concerns & Healing:

Those of you who have had surgery or been a caregiver know it is a painful and grueling process to recover and negotiate the caregiving. And for those who are ill and undergoing diagnosis and treatments, it is not an easy path either. Send a card, say a prayer, call and offer assistance-that means so much!