Are You A Dog Owner ?
Sergeant Vince Pewitt from Arlington Police Department ·
submitted by Susan Watkins
Would you like to help us make a difference? We need people like you to donate time, energy, and experience in a variety of areas including patrolling, building relationships, and more. Dog Walker Watch is an awareness program that encourages neighbors to assist local law enforcement agencies in the ongoing community-policing efforts. Neighbors are trained on how to effectively observe and report suspicious activity.
How does it work? There are dozens, if not hundreds, of dog walkers throughout the community at all times of the day, all days of the week, in all weather conditions, who are often preoccupied with texting, chatting, emailing, and listening to music during their neighborhood walks. Dog Walker Watch trains these individuals on how to effectively observe and report suspicious activity.
To find out more about the program and how you can help, join us for one of the training courses below or visit our website at