West Garden News! by Shiela Shallcross

The West Garden is looking beautiful, even though it’s at the beginning of a long, hot summer!  The day lilies that we moved from one bed to another are thriving and are in full bloom right now.  We have a phlox (donated by Kerry Gonzalez) that is blooming beautifully.  The chaste flower (vitex) that was planted two years ago is healthy and flowered nicely.  The coneflowers are in full bloom, as are the lantana, Turks cap, and Gregg’s mistflower.  The butterflies are blessing us daily in their appreciation of the bountiful blooms.

 WGC member Gail Gravitt and I are watering with hoses every two or three days.  Gail lives near me here in North Wimbledon, and she has volunteered to be on the West Garden committee with me.  She is a Master Gardener, and she has been a great help to us.  We have recently planted some hostas, coneflowers, lavender, and a Texas sage. 

We still have some spots that we need to fill in with plants.  If anyone has anything that they are thinning out and would like to donate to the West Garden, please let me know, and I will go pick it up from you.  We have needs for both shade and full sun plants.  I would really like some purple heart…any donations would be greatly appreciated.  They would help beautify the garden, and would save the club money.

 We plan to have a work session where we will call for volunteers when the weather is not so brutal.